Pruning schools

Pruning schools give you access to a complete training offer of practice in the vineyard and online theory, accompanied by Simonit&Sirch tutors.

The package consists of:
3 days of practical exercises + 2 online courses Vine Pruner and Vine Pruner Advanced.
The practical lessons will be carried out on vines pruned according to the Simonit&Sirch Method.
Only one main training form will be covered at each location.

You can purchase the entire package or just the practical session.
Registration for the Pruning School practical session is only possible for those enrolled in the Vine Pruner Advanced courses of the corresponding training form.

Participate in as many schools as you wish to enrich your experience in the vineyard on the different training forms.

    [0] => Array
            [id] => 
            [name] => 
            [slug] => 

    [1] => Array
            [id] => 
            [name] => 
            [slug] => 

  • Our online courses
  • cursos basicos
  • cursos avanzados
  • cursos gratuitos